CODEX are thrilled to announce that our very own Delwyn Holroyd and James Eggleton have been honored with a Scientific and Technical Achievement Award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
These awards celebrate the achievements of individuals and companies whose discoveries and innovations provide a lasting impact on the motion picture industry. This recognises the design, implementation, and integration of the CODEX High Density Encoding (HDE) lossless compression algorithm within the CODEX recording toolset.
As a valued technology partner of ARRI and ARRI Rental, CODEX developed HDE to significantly reduce data volume and costs when recording ARRIRAW on the ALEXA 65, with zero impact on image quality. HDE was then rolled out for all ARRIRAW cameras and has been universally adopted by filmmakers and content creators, making the best overall image quality available through a more efficient and affordable workflow.
In recognition of this very important milestone, watch the interview below with James and Delwyn, offering a fascinating insight into High Density Encoding, with candid views on its inception and incredible growth, and the future for filmmakers.
CODEX High Density Encoding - the journey continues…